A step-by step guide to evaluating houses and gauging market worth


A step-by step guide to evaluating houses and gauging market worth

I would highly recommend working with Kelly G, as Kelly provided new insight for me when it came to considering joining the military. He answered all of the questions that I wanted and went beyond by adding extra details and putting personal anecdotes to help picture what I will soon experience in the military.

I honestly enjoyed the workout section of this product. Kelly provided some wonderful insight when it comes to what we will be doing in regards to workouts and cardio, even giving me a template of what I should start doing now to better myself for when I will be in the military. I would highly recommend everyone to get advice from Kelly as it changes your whole perspective. Easiest 5 stars I have ever given!


How to Value Real Estate In Distant Markets

Looking at Real Estate Through the Eyes of an Appraiser

Kelly Githens Presenting:  REAL E$TATE VALUATION DEMYSTIFIED:A step-by step guide to evaluating houses and gauging market worth

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Commitment And Perseverance” The Inventive Journey Podcast For Entrepreneurs w/Kelly Githens